We are at the halfway point – How is 2024 Shaping up?

In the February 2024 issue of COPS Magazine, (page 79), I wrote an article about some misinformation and what to expect in 2024. One of the topics was people thought that “the values of homes HAVE TO come down.” I wrote that home values will continue to rise due to manty factors including inventory. Inventory […]
Yearly Financial Health Check-Up

Your Yearly Financial Health Check-Up Just as you’d pay a visit to your doctor or take your care in for a tune-up, you need to make sure that your financial life is on the footing you deserve. But what exactly would a financial health check-up look like, and how can you tell if you’re on […]
First Time Buying a House? Find All Your Questions About Mortgages Answered Here!

As a first-time homebuyer, you might not know where to start. Applying for a mortgage can seem complicated, but the process isn’t as convoluted as you might think. When deciding between different types of home mortgage loans from a variety of mortgage lenders, there are a few factors you should take into consideration, including: […]